Knowledge products overview

Essential knowledge products and tools to support confident decision making
Evidence-based independent guidance, our trusted knowledge products and tools support health professionals manage patient safety at the point of need.
Expert guidance on the use and administration of drugs and medicines, our essential knowledge is regularly updated and easily accessed online through MedicinesComplete.
Our experienced editorial team of clinical and scientific writers triage new information, assess evidence, and robustly review all new and updated content before publication.
- 600k+
- Pages of evidence-based drug information
- 29
- Essential knowledge products
- 7,500+
- Drugs covered
- 150+
- Countries access MedicinesComplete
Our knowledge products cover six key areas:

Point of Need
Quick access to clear and concise medicines information, checking tools, and practical guidance for confident decision making at the point of need.

Evidence-based knowledge in areas of high-risk practice, including caring for patients during pregnancy and guidance to support the needs of the critically ill.

Drug Administration
Expert knowledge to manage patient safety when administering drugs via enteral and injectable routes.

Comprehensive, practical, and authoritative, our reference knowledge products provide an extensive library of reference material.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Evidence-based information covering commonly available vitamins, minerals and trace elements in food, traditional uses of herbal medicines, and herb-drug interactions.

Legal and Regulatory
Helping health professionals stay compliant with updates on the latest laws, regulations, and standards in the UK.

Request access today
Access our essential knowledge products through MedicinesComplete today.
Contact us now for pricing and access information.